

Club Racing Results from 1995 to Present Day

All club wins are listed below. To access the results, use the search boxes below to find results by:
  • a member
  • race event, e.g. British Rowing Masters Championships
  • Race season eg 2013/2014
  • Any other keyword

  • OR

Notable Achievements

New Season Started 1 Sept 2023 (All Head Races cancelled from November to March due to weather / river conditions)
Wins This Season = 6 Head Races + 9 Regatta
Wins Last Season 2022/2023  = 34 (20 Regatta, 14 Head Races)
Total Club wins to date = 702

Junior Inter-Regional Regatta (JIRR) WIN 2024:
Annunciata Ings WJ16 1x

British Rowing Masters Championships 2022 - Victor Ludorum
awarded to Best Performing Club over the two days of competition

Home Countries Win 2019:
Millie Warren WJ18 2x
(with Cheltenham Ladies College)

HWR Win 2011:
Fran Rawlins Sen Lwt 2x
(with Bewl bridge)

GB Representation 2004 & 2005:
Rob Holliday

Nat Champ medals = 6

In addition, a number of club members have also represented their country at the highest level - Olympics & World Championships included -
either before and after ARC membership.

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