The first event since November 2023 which has actually gone ahead was the Junior Inter Regional Regatta trials for the Thames South-East region. This was held at Royal Docks on the multi-lane course there.
We sent a small but perfectly formed squad of Junior Women. Annunciata qualified for selection in WJ16 1x for the main regatta in April with Cherry coming a very close third (top two made the grade).
Cherry and Ellen have been invited to join a composite WJ16 8+ so are massively improving their sweep skills when not revising.
It was the first race for the Club for Tillie and Violet. Thank you to Claire for towing, and to Claire and Toby for volunteering on the event timing team, to Reg, Esther and Lindsey for coaching and coordinating on the day, to Ellen for being a great Junior rep and to Alice. We were proud of you all.
photo missing one of the girls - impossible to catch everyone together with so much going on!